Hey guys its Jazz, so on the 3/10/2012 all of the exchange families and teachers had a big breakfast at the school. Afterwards The Huber family took me to a village in a mountain called the Samerberg and we played a game in a field called Bauern Golf. It is like Mini golf, excpet we had wooden clogs on the ends of our sticks and we were hitting around little soccer balls. We had 10 courses we had to get through until the end. It was fun and interesting and a little bit crazy. I enjoyed Bauern Golf and the weather was so nice and sunny. :)
On the 6/10/2012 the Huber family took me to the Oktoberfest. Before going they explained to

me that its a big place and there are so many people, round about 5-7 million. On Saturday we left early in the morning to beat some of the rush and it was still shoulder to shoulder on the train. We got to the OktoberFest at 10.30ish and it was so busy, there were already so many people there and it was huge. Whilst we were there we went on the big ferris wheel, it was such a nice view from up there. Afterwards we met up with Miranda, Julia, Melissa, Maddy and Melissa's mum and dad; Jojo and I went on the Ferris wheel again with them. That time I sat next to the window so I could get a better view. Then all of us girls went on a ride called the Top Spin, it was so scary but so much fun. To me the OktoberFest was basically like the Melbourne Show except with 10 beer tents and more roasted nuts and German food. (:
Having Jazzy here is really exciting and cool.
AntwortenLöschenWe have had lots of fun so far. :)
We also went shopping the other night, cause it a late night shopping day and the shops didn't close until 11.00 o'clock. It was fun.
Loving having Jazz here now. :)
Hey jazzy good to see you're having a great time! See u when u return :) xo
AntwortenLöschenp.s Have you seen any really cool german traditions?
Yours sincerely
Packy xx
Hey Jazzy :)
AntwortenLöschenits great to hear you are having an amazing time! it is great to hear how everything is going. what has been the most exicting part of your expeirence?
have a great time for the las part of your trip and i will see you when you get back :)
From Felix xoxox