Ice Hockey, Oktoberfest and the Rotwandhaus (hut)
On Tuesday evening I went with Bene, Micheal, Sam, Jonas and Phillip to an Ice hockey match. It was Rosenheim vs Landshut. It was a very exciting match and and Rosenheim won 4:1. I bought a Scarf at a souvenir shop.
On Tuesday evening I went with Bene, Micheal, Sam, Jonas and Phillip to an Ice hockey match. It was Rosenheim vs Landshut. It was a very exciting match and and Rosenheim won 4:1. I bought a Scarf at a souvenir shop.
On Wednesday we went to the Oktoberfest in Munich. when we got there we were overwhelmed at how many people were there. We walked around the Oktoberfest and saw a lot of giant rides and huge Beer tents. We walked to the statue of Lady Bavaria and we saw all across the Oktoberfest. We walked back down to the main part and went looking for souvenirs. We wanted to ride on some Rollercoasters but it was too expensive. Then we bought some Pommes and Mezzomix. When we were full we went to a Lolly stall and bought Gingerbread hearts and lollies. After we made our way out of the Oktoberfest we went home.
Yesterday we went to the mountains, to the Rotwandhaus. We rode on the Gondola to the top of the mountain. We walked the rest of the way up and over the mountain, and down about 1km. We walked up the highest point that you can walk up in Germany. When we arrived at the Rodwandhaus we went to our rooms and unpacked our packs.
Hey Westy sounds like youve been having a great time! the Hockey match would have been exciting and the walk up and over the Rotwandhous sounds hard but worth it.
AntwortenLöschenWhat is the best thing youve done so far and have you made lots of good friends?
From Shemmy :)
AntwortenLöschenWhat u been up to man?
How is everything and i hope u have a great rest of your trip and i'll be waiting with a hug when u return
Packy xo :)