
Ein nasser Anfang...

Schwimmbad von Albury und Schwimmbecken
 Heute, den 07.03.2012, sind Miranda und ich zu dem Schwimmwettkampf nach Albury gefahren, das hieß eher aufstehen (07:00 Uhr) und nach Albury zum Schwimmbad düsen.

Dort angekommen wartete das Monsterschwimmbecken schon auf uns, mit einer Länge von 50m und einer Tiefe von 1,80 m.

Die Kategorien:
- Freestyle (Kraulen)
- Breaststroke (Brustschwimmen)
- Backstroke (Rückenschwimmen)
- Medley Relay (4 Personen schwimmen: eine gemischte Staffel)
- Relay ( 4 Personen schwimmen in Freestyle)
In einem Rennen schwimmen normalerweise 8 Personen.

Das Mikrofon sprang an und es hieß für Miri ab ins Wasser, während ich sie eifrig anfeuerte. Nach dem Wettkampf gab es eine kleine Siegerehrung für die Schulen. Bright hatte den Tisch abgeräumt. :) Danach sind wir nach Bright an die Schule gefahren,
wo Miri Gymnastic hatte.

Only a game!

In dieser Turnhalle haben die Schüler Sport.

So lautet das Motto der Turnhalle in Bright, was mich sehr positiv überrascht hat, denn dort zählt Teamgeist mehr als gewinnen.

Nach der Schule, so wie Miri, kann man dort Freizeitsport treiben,
z.B.: Netball, Basketball, Gymnastik, Leichtathletik, etc.

Und jetzt erzählt euch Miri ein bisschen von mir auf Englisch:

Hey Everyone!
It's been a busy couple of weeks while the Bad Aibling exchange students have been at Bright. It's been so much fun.

At the Deer Farm

I have really enjoyed the excursions. The Bright Chalet was so much fun - it was good to begin to get to know everyone.

On the weekend we went to the Deer Farm. This is a little bit like a zoo but it's on a farm. There were baby Emus outside the fence, and Steffi said, "Are they real Emus?!" And then I replied, "Yes..." And then I hear a big shriek of "OH MY GOD!!!!!!" It was very funny!

Last weekend we went driving to Beechworth for the day. We went in the 4-Wheel Drive so that we could go off road. It was really fun because it was straight after the rain and there was a lot of mud. There were lots of steep hills and rocks. I thought it was fun and everyone was screaming! The road was very rough due to a LOT of land slides. It was covered in big rocks. We have been having the biggest floods that we have had for ages - there was a massive land slide on Mount Buffalo, and it blocked the road, trapping some school groups for the night.

In Beechworth, we went shopping and had lunch at the Bakery. It was very nice and a good atmosphere because there was a band playing. We looked in the Gold shop, the Lolly shop (which is legendary!), the African shop and the Honey shop. The honey shop had very nice ice cream which was good for such a hot day.
We had a drive out to the surrounding hills and areas and got a little bit lost - the back roads were all blocked because of the creek being so high!

The dredge in Eldorado was cool, and we looked at some gold mining equipment.

We visited my aunt and uncle, but it was hard to get to their house - the road was under 4 metres of water. The car leaked a little bit when we opened the door! Here we had a very competetive game of pool where there was of course no cheating (much...).

I have been having lots of fun with Steffi Emmerich. She is very nice and friendly. I don't want the Germans to leave because I am having too much fun!!!

Und nun genug getippt. Wir hoffen, ihr hattet Spaß beim Lesen und ciao

Steffi E. und Miri

1 Kommentar:

  1. Wow! Ein echt guter Blog-Eintrag! Sehr anschaulich! Well done, Steffi and Miri! Wir sind begeistert!

    Die ganze Gruppe arbeitet echt super! Vielen Dank an alle!

    Sabine Stürzlmayer und Martin Lehrer
